
Showing posts from March, 2021

Personal perspectives of atmosphere Part 3 of the survey construction

  In the previous two parts of the survey construction I talked about the reasons why I created the survey in the way I did. However, I did not talk about the images that I picked for the participants to rate the atmosphere of and why I pick those images. In this blog post I will cover all 18 images star in the survey why they were selected and in doing so discuss my perspectives of what makes an atmospheric image.  So based on my own perceptions and the research that I conducted in the previous module. I  have come up with certain criteria that I consider contribute to an atmospheric image.  I have defined these elements in the same way that I asked participants to list these in the survey. Composition elements  All elements within the frame must help. To contribute to the story of the image, they must work together in Harmony, or synergy. Partially masked elements.   In relation to atmosphere in its literal sense: low level clouds such as mist and fog and any weather elements that ob

Designing my Questionnaire part 2

The following are thoughts and reflections from reading Patterson (2000) book on constructing effective questionnaires  The purpose of the questionnaire is to collect data of respondents perceptions of atmosphere.  This is primarily exploratory research, hence the use of open ended questions.  I do not want to restrict the breath and variety of the responses, but I still want them to be meaningful.   Construction questions  Don’t use double negatives  Be mindful of the language used in the questions and that people from different background may interpret words in different ways I plan to only survey participants who reside in the United Kingdom, this will limit need to make to many considerations regarding the language to ensure that the questions are understood.  I must therefore accept that this research will only give me perspectives that from a small section of the English-speaking world.  However, from the results that I have received already have been not particularly focused to

Lighting a Birthday cake smash

 Alongside creating the questionnaire that I will conduct to find out if there is consensus the term atmospheric, I wanted to advance my skills in lighting.  from my research conducted previous semester I know that lighting plays a key part in creating atmosphere with an image. On the weekend of the 21st of February I had the opportunity there for the test lighting.  I bought myself my first studio lamp with the aim of taking pictures of my son who was turning 1 in a cake smash photo shoot. initially my wife and I conducted research on Pinterest to collect a number of ideas about how to create the cake smash. My job was to take the mood board that we had created find out how they were created and get the equipment required to be able to replicate this.   The images found in terms of lighting very flat everything was very well and evenly lit which would mean that I would need to create past area of soft light in order to create this.   The reason that I had bought a studio strobe was pr

Designing my questionnaire part 1

  Designing my questionnaire  Based on Constructing effective questionnaires by Peterson (2000) Requirements: What information is needed and how the information will be used: the research task is to find out what the photographic community thanks makes an atmospheric image. This information will then inform me on how to create an atmospheric image based on that feedback.  The diversity of responses will allow me to explore the different aspects of what is considered atmospheric. This is self-generated research  The help materials advise me to try and eliminate jargon from the survey however ,the primary aim of this research is to try and identify a definition of a word therefore try to remove any jargon. Developing research questions  Potential research questions screening  A. How the answers to it will be analysed  • Make thematic analysis will be conducted on the answers collected this will look for trends and patterns between the responses to see if there's any consensus bet

Data collection on Atmosphere

Based on feedback received in the last seminar session I have decided to rethink my question and some example images and get the survey participants to feedback to see whether or not those images are atmospheric. Choosing images have proven to be a difficult task in itself I do not want to bombard the survey respondents with loads and loads of images so in order to have a balance or enough images to explore the theme of atmosphere and not have so many of the survey respondents will not complete survey I have elected to go with 10 images the survey participants will rank each of the images more like heart scale from not atmospheric to very atmospheric and I still want to leave atmospheric up through discretion they will decide.  With these 10 images I do encounter the potential problem that the service respondents will compare the images to one another to attempt to mitigate this I will ask this survey participants to consider in their minds eye what they consider to be atmospheric and

Art Breeder

  During one of the online sessions with my peers I was introduced to the website art breeder which was suggested to me can be used to experiment with manipulating images in order to create a different feel and therefore experiment with manipulating the atmospherics of an image through digital tools. I then preceded to experiment with websites firstly I wanted to see if I could upload one of my photographs to see if I could manipulate the atmosphere atmospherics of that image I took one of my landscape architectural pictures and uploaded it it then took its time to process.   The website itself has a number of different formats which you can manipulate I primarily was  going to look landscapes as I had a vast selection landscapes pictures I thought that I could attempt to add elements to those pictures to make them more atmospheric or less atmospheric.   When my image had processed I was not expecting it already for the software to already start manipulating it.  I found that it had ta