Art Breeder


During one of the online sessions with my peers I was introduced to the website art breeder which was suggested to me can be used to experiment with manipulating images in order to create a different feel and therefore experiment with manipulating the atmospherics of an image through digital tools. I then preceded to experiment with websites firstly I wanted to see if I could upload one of my photographs to see if I could manipulate the atmosphere atmospherics of that image I took one of my landscape architectural pictures and uploaded it it then took its time to process.

The website itself has a number of different formats which you can manipulate I primarily was  going to look landscapes as I had a vast selection landscapes pictures I thought that I could attempt to add elements to those pictures to make them more atmospheric or less atmospheric.  

When my image had processed I was not expecting it already for the software to already start manipulating it.  I found that it had taken my photograph and created an artistic impression of the image.  but then I was given access to the sliders that would allow me to incorporate elements that you can see in the screenshot but then I could sit there and manipulate the atmosphere with.  As I quickly found that as I tried to manipulate the sliders such as snow, sunlight , folk fog thinking that it would at these elements to my image what I instead found is that it could not interpret the image that I had uploaded and converted it into more and more abstract images that bore no resemblance to the original image nor did I think but any of the results were more atmospheric rather a mash of colours.

I instead elected then to pick one of their landscape images and attempted to manipulate that my assumption was that the software would know what the elements in the pre existing image were and once manipulated would be able to produce a result that was recognisable.


I picked an image of what I thought was a quite pleasing multiple and then attempted to manipulate the sliders to see what affects I could create constantly in my mind I was thinking about the atmospherics of the results that I produced. 

This involved a lot of experimentation, primarily I wanted to move the sliders of what I thought would contribute to the atmosphere this included fog and sunlight.   I found that manipulation of the sliders had to be very subtle and what the slider was called did not necessarily translate into what I was expecting.  In the end if I did not want my image to become an abstract mess then I limited myself to Sunlight, fog and chaos.   Through the manipulation I was able to achieve and image that I would rate as mor atmospheric than the original that I started with.  But I felt that as I wanted to focus on my photography and the manipulation were too random (I suppose that is the point) that I would not continue with this tool.  But it certainly was an interesting experience.

Starting image 

After manipulation of atmosphere
