Designing my questionnaire part 1


Designing my questionnaire 

Based on Constructing effective questionnaires by Peterson (2000)


What information is needed and how the information will be used:

the research task is to find out what the photographic community thanks makes an atmospheric image. This information will then inform me on how to create an atmospheric image based on that feedback.  The diversity of responses will allow me to explore the different aspects of what is considered atmospheric.

This is self-generated research 

The help materials advise me to try and eliminate jargon from the survey however ,the primary aim of this research is to try and identify a definition of a word therefore try to remove any jargon.

Developing research questions 

Potential research questions screening 

A. How the answers to it will be analysed 

Make thematic analysis will be conducted on the answers collected this will look for trends and patterns between the responses to see if there's any consensus between the group of responders 

B. The anticipated information it will provide. 

My hope is that I'll get descriptive analysis of qualities that create atmospheric image this would include compositional techniques, evoked emotions, technical attributes. 

C. How the ensuing information will be used 

As described above the information received will be used as a guiding template on how to produce the subsequent images and/or the method by which to post process existing images.

Evaluate potential research question

1.Can the study participants understand the question?

In the perfection I plan to get respondents to the survey to look mostly at the atmospherics of an image.  I will present number of images and get the participants to rate on our like heart scale the atmospherics.  the shortfall I foresee in this process is that the responder confuses atmospherics with atmosphere.  from my preliminary research I have found these are two distinctly different things.  from the qualitative data that I've received so far many scenes more images may have different types of atmospheres for example a happy atmosphere sunset atmosphere the cold atmosphere, however I want to look at atmospherics a single definable term that is not being augmented by a subsequent word as we have seen in the preceding examples.  I want to clarify if there is such a thing as an atmospheric image by itself.  this has made the formulation of the words within the survey quite complex it is very easy to use atmosphere and atmospherics interchangeably and therefore I have had to rewrite my questions to try and concentrate on atmospherics. subsequently it has meant but some of the sentences don't read as well as I'm trying to focus on atmospherics, this step will make impact the ability for the responder to fill out this question there effectively.

2.Can the study participants answer the question?

by using a number of images I feel this makes the questionnaire very unstable the user would look at the image and evaluate the images from not atmospheric to very atmospheric basing their judgement on their preconceived ideal of an ‘atmospheric image’.  I don't understand this is a very subjective term and the ability for the responder to conjure up an atmospheric image may be difficult as they may not have thought about this idea previously could stop as I have seen in my preliminary qualitative research by questioning two photographers they have both been stumped by the concept when I first proposed to them despite both of them using the term in their everyday language.

These questions do not the choir the participant to recall any information purely the present perception of atmosphere or atmospheric understandably this perception can change overtime so realistically I'm only going to take a snapshot of what the participant believes atmospheric to be at the time of answering the survey .

3.Will the study participants answer the question?

in my previous experience with question is there's often is a low response rates especially for those living though the Internet there is no imperative full the response is to answer the survey even though they may be willing to do so or you intend to do so intention interaction open doesn't happen when the responder has better things to do. I have found but having a captive audience to respond to the questionnaire ensures that it is done So what I have tested my question out on my fellow students I made sure I did it in the session, so they had nothing better to do at the time I've also done this when collecting responses from students regarding educational technology I've got into two sessions handed out questionnaires and dedicated 10 minutes of their time to fill them out this is skipping me in almost 100% response rate.  However, I plan to send these questions out two people I do not know photographers in the industry, and I have no means by which to coerce them or captivate their attention in order to make them do the survey.  Options to get around this extended to so many people that deep in the 1% response rate gives me a significant number of responses this is difficult as I don't think I know that many photographers (PulsePeople 2018).  when collecting responses from my club however I do have the ability to have their attention in all my meetings so they will be able to respond to the survey then so I will attempt to survey them out this time.  option 3 I've also asked friends and colleagues to fill out the survey we had a good response rates and this is required me to write a personalised message to each of them in all they would do it and because of our friendship they have done it this way so I might be able to get a few more responses by writing more personalised messages however I do need to properly capture them at a time when they are available rather than play synchronous email but this is quite long with the method and I'll get very few responses this way. 

There's no reason to believe that any of the questions I am asking sensitive, embarrassing or too personal 

Next steps from this point is just continuing to go through the guidance building a questionnaire and complete the final questionnaire.  This is to ensure that I have the correct length and balance of questions that I am asking. I am confident that what I am asking will give responses that will enable me to create a number of images based on this theme.   I have already conducted a test run with my for those students the results of this will be written up in subsequent blog.
