Reflections on VIC710 feedback


This is my feedback from my proposal, the black is the feedback and the blue is my reflections:

Grade: B2 


Your outcome - a book that acts as a 'lexicon of elements of atmosphere' (great description!) - has been carefully researched, in dialogue with fellow photographers and through careful academic research.  

Your academic and contextual analysis is engaging and well synthesised.  

I am intrigued by the rationale behind the three sections - this proposal points to a book that traces your investigation of 'atmosphere' but I wonder if this is your intended focal point.  Have you considered a more narrative or conceptual exploration of atmospheres, e.g. tracing seasons, or a lifetime, or a journey into the unknown...Why this structure?   


I had considered the changes of atmosphere through the passage of time or seasons, initially I had dismissed it as I have seen artwork like this before and did not wat to replicate areas that have already been explored.  The reason for the three sections of the books in part to show progression between ones own perception and the wider perception of atmosphere, through each stage getting more complex as I was taking more in more views. It would be structure like a 3 act play with the story arc of the exploration atmosphere as the subject. I thought that this was made in my clear in my proposal, but is may have not been made explicit to others as it is to me. 


What makes it the most appropriate for your intended audience? Who is your intended audience? 


There is not intended audience, other than myself, as this is purely an academic exploration, again I thought this was explicit in the text  


You explain that your purpose is to develop your skill-set, but the decision to print a book suggests that you will share this journey with others...perhaps it is for other photographers?   


Up to this point I had not considered this.  I saw this a primarily as a personal development exercise,  the exploration of the theme of atmosphere to expand my theoretical understanding of photography and the post-production to develop technical ability and proficiency  


Will the book contain text e.g. academic reflections on the topic? 


This was not the intention at I wanted to leave it for others to interpret.  Again, if I am developing this for myself then the addition of text would be somewhat redundant as I already know what is meant by my images.  If the intended audience includes other photographers, then by adding reflections would impact on the way that the images are interpreted.  In considering this it may be of use to add a prologue or epilogue so that this additional content can be added and limiting the impact that this would have in the subjective interpretation of the visual form  

This is well-researched and promising outcome, but there are a number of questions that, once resolved, will reinforce the significance of the book.  


Overall, I feel that my proposal was to concentrated on the academic interpretation of the term at the detriment of the practical realisation of the outcome.  I now see that this element has far more importance that I have originally given it.  It is not only important to consider the visual ‘art’ but how you get it seen and who should see it. 
