
Showing posts from February, 2021

Reflections on VIC710 feedback

  This is my feedback from my proposal, the black is the feedback and the blue is my reflections: Grade: B2     Your outcome - a book that acts as a 'lexicon of elements of atmosphere' (great description!) - has been carefully researched, in dialogue with fellow photographers and through careful academic research.      Your academic and contextual analysis is engaging and well synthesised.        I am intrigued by the rationale behind the three sections - this proposal points to a book that traces your investigation of 'atmosphere '  but I wonder if this is your intended focal point.  Have you considered a more narrative or conceptual exploration of atmospheres,  e.g.  tracing seasons, or a lifetime, or a journey into the unknown...Why this structure?       I had considered the changes of atmosphere through the passage of time or seasons, initially I had dismissed it as I have seen artwork like this before and did not wat to replicate areas that have already been explor