
Showing posts from June, 2021

Qualitative data analysis

After completing the analysis on the quantitative data, I then want to look at the qualitative data as I believe that this would give me better insight of what people actually think creates atmosphere or an atmospheric over the statistical analysis. Just to recap in the questionnaire I asked 5 qualitative questions the first was to identify the image they ranked as most atmospheric and describe the qualities of that image that contributed to that.  The second was to identify the least atmospheric image and identify the qualities of that image that detracted from the atmosphere. The final three questions asked what contributed to an atmospheric image in the realms of composition, about emotions, and technical.  The data was imported into Excel where compiled the data in order to identify themes across each of these five questions. In the case where the respondent listed qualities, I took them at face value and created a node for that quality.  In other cases where I was given descriptio